$268.75 $134.38
complete with cannula and stylet includes on pkg size 6 pre-cut wires 265mm overall length Cat. #51-2384 Stylet only for Bruning Nasal Snare Cat. #51-2384 A Snare Wire, Cut, size 3, pkg 12 Cat. #51-2398 3 Snare Wire, cut, size 6, pkg 12 Cat. #51-2398 6 Storz N2384  N2384-A  N2398-3  N2398-6Xomed  37-14461  37-14686  37-14195  37-14198Martin…
$260 $130
complete with nasal cannula and stylet includes on pkg size 6 pre-cut wires 265mm overall length Cat. #51-2380 Stylet only for Krause Nasal Snare Cat. #51-2380 B Storz  N2380  N2380 BXomed  37-14194  37-14685Martin  36-885-26VMueller  RH650  RH652-170Jarrit  400-185  Olympus  310500KStorz  440000
$324.50 $162.25
with three preshaped wires Cat. #41-6370 Wires only for Eves Tonsil Snare pkg 12 Cat. #41-6372 7 Storz B&L  N6370  N6372-7 Xomed  37-34105 Martin  39-500-28  39-513-01 VMueller  MO1970 Jarrit  450-500 Olympus  546100 KStorz 753700 Â
$1,362.75 $408.83
complete with three blades Cat. #41-6441 Blade only size 1 Cat. #41-6441 1 Blade only size 2 Cat. #41-6441 2 Blade only size 3 Cat. #41-6441 3 Storz B&L  N6440  N6440-1  N6440-2  N6440-3 Martin  39-531-01
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